Wednesday, August 31, 2011
MiniBlog 3 - The Result
If you haven't read it yet, then take some time right now and get to it.
When you do read it, you'll see the problem -- Ahab was leading the nation of Israel away from God. You'll also see one man, a prophet named Elijah, listen to God and act in response to God's anger over what Ahab was doing.
This ties in closely with what we're hoping to accomplish in our commitment to Listen + Act focus. God had a problem. His word went out. One man listened and he acted.
What did God do to bring people to him through Elijah's actions? What was the fruit of Elijah's commitment to listen and then act?
That's the power of acting on what God's saying! It starts with listening. It continues through action. It ends with God moving powerfully! Read the whole story of Elijah, 1 Kings 17-19 and see what God does to bring people to him.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
MiniBlog 2 - Elijah went...
After a long time, in the third year, the word of the LORD came to Elijah: “Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land.” 2 So Elijah went to present himself to Ahab.*
The key word is went. Elijah went. The word of the Lord came to Elijah. He was listening. God was speaking. And what happened next? Elijah acted on what he heard.
Statements like this show up all throughout scripture. They're significant only because it's a model for the way a disciple of Jesus should live. What's Jesus saying to you? What do you going to do about it?
I know that God is speaking. I know that he wants me to act. I hope that later in my life I can look back on it and say, "so I went..." What about you?
The Holy Bible: New International Version. 1996 (electronic ed.) (1 Ki 18:1–2). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Year of the Disciple - MiniBlogs
Consider our assignment this week at Cape Naz: Read 1 Kings 18 and Romans 12. As I work through these myself, I'll be miniblogging about my experience in the text.
Remember our question: What is God teaching you and what are you going to do about it? Engage the word and find out!
1 Kings 18:1
1 After a long time, in the third year, the word of the Lord came to Elijah: "Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land."
This verse kicks off an amazing series of events. It starts with two important facts: God was speaking. Elijah was listening. It led to action. Action led to miracle. Miracle led to life-change.
That's the power of our question. Listening + acting = discipleship.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
God + Moses... BFF's
That's why I've spent all week studying the relationship between Moses and God.
Even I find it a bit odd. I'm a few days away from needing to preach what should be a Triumphal Entry/Palm Sunday message, and I can't get out of Exodus. I just find the relationship that developed between Moses and God to be absolutely fascinating.
Moses built something called the Tent of Meeting. It was literally a tent that was separated away form the rest of the people of Israel. Moses and his young apprentice, Joshua, would go to the Tent and meet with God personally. They would talk. For long periods of time.
We really don't have any idea what all they talked about. Sure, we've got pages of instructions and laws that God rattles off to Moses to govern the people of Isreal. But, that list certainly didn't take multiple sessions of 40 days and 40 nights to recite. We've got the rest of the Pentateuch -- supposedly written by Moses -- that God might have told Moses about while they were together.
No, I believe that Moses and God talked about a lot more than just rules and creation history. And there's a couple subtle statements hidden in the text that captured my imagination and lead me to this belief. Moses is pleading with God to come with him and the Israelites as they go up to the Promised Land. Moses says to God, "if you don't go with us personally, don't let us move a step from this place."
God replies, "I will indeed do what you have asked, for you have found favor with me, and you are my friend."
That's a pretty amazing statement that God makes. Moses was his friend! They hung out together -- God and man -- in the Tent of Meeting. Moses' face shown with the radiant glory of being in God's presence -- being with his friend. God revealed all of his goodness and mercy to Moses, his friend, as he walked directly in front of him.
What does this have to do with Easter? What does this have to do with Jesus? So much.
Jesus tore down the veil. He ripped the Tent of Meeting apart, metaphorically. No other Isrealites were allowed to come near the Tent of Meeting. None were allowed up on Mount Sinai while Moses and God were talking. Jesus changed all that.
No longer was God's friendship reserved for a select view. No longer was his presence available to only one man. That veil was torn; the tent was torn down. God's glory became universally accessible. On the cross, Jesus made it possible for all of us to experience God the same way that Moses did.
We can ask God for his will -- "don't send me where you want me to go unless you come with me!" And Christ will respond, as God did with Moses, "because of the cross, I will come with you for you have found favor with me and you are my friend!"
Profound stuff. Easter isn't just a story of Jesus' death and resurrection. It's the story of God's love for humanity and desire for an intimate friend-like relationship with all of us! How awesome is that. You + God... BFF's. It's possible, folks. Seek it.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Thirteen.31.prayer: Adoration
Thirteen.31.prayer week 1: Adoration
This is the first week of daily devotionals for Cape Naz’s thirteen.31.prayer series. We’re starting a month of prayer on March 13th. It lasts until April 13th. That’s 31 consecutive days of prayer. Thirteen.31.prayer. I wish I could say there is some deep spiritual meaning behind this series name, but there isn’t. It’s just prayer. It’s a month long.
We’re following the popular prayer model ACTS – Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. I can’t say with any definitiveness who invented this acronym (or is it an acrostic?), but I’m basing my look at in on Bill Hybel’s excellent book Too Busy Not Too Pray.
Each week we are going to take a look at different element of the ACTS model. This week it’s adoration.
Very simply, we defined adoration last Sunday as turning your mind and self toward God by telling God about himself – who he is and what he’s done. This is modeled for us in Jesus’ model prayer during the Sermon on the Mount. That prayer, commonly called “The Lord’s prayer”, is probably more aptly called “the Disciple’s Prayer” as it is Christ’s model for how his disciples (this includes you and I) should pray to God.
Jesus’ model prayer starts with adoration: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your name, God, is holy! It is sacred. It is to be revered. It is above all names. It is the first name among all creation. It is the last name. It is a name of love. It is a name of authority. It is a name of grace. It is a name of compassion and mercy and sanctuary and sanctification.
That’s adoration. God’s name is to be hallowed! Why? Tell God! What else about God is worthy of your adoration, your respect, your honor, and your reverence? Tell God!
The Bible is full of scriptures that adore and revere God. This week we’re looking at five of them. I would strongly encourage you to take one each day for this week and make it your prayer. See what the writer has to say about God’s character, what he does, who he is, and why he’s worthy of such adoration. Then turn it into your own prayer. How would you describe God in this way? What has God done in your life that’s comparable to what he did in the writer’s life? Tell God about it!
Here are the scriptures. Will you join us in 31 straight days of prayer? Will you start with adoration? I’m praying that you will!
Day 1: Exodus 34:1-10
Day 2: Psalm 46
Day 3: Psalm 8
Day 4: Philippians 2:1-11
Day 5: 1 Chronicles 29:10-13
Day 6: Psalm 63
Day 7: Psalm 145
Monday, March 7, 2011
Going the 2nd Mile

Let me start with a statement of faith. I believe that God has given us the land around Cape Nazarene Church (2601 Independence, Cape Girardeau, MO) as our Promised Land. We're placed here for a purpose. We're planted on a hill overlooking the city as a beacon of God's light in a town full of darkness.
Cape Girardeau hides it's needs well. It's a small, clean town. Driving around, you would have a hard time seeing the darkness. You won't be able to point out the people with addictions. You can't see the violence. You have to step through the white-picket fences to find the depression, grief, loneliness, hurt, hunger, oppression, poverty, racism, and more that are prevalent here.
Neighbors grow accustomed to looking the other way. Parents put up a facade in public. School kids hide it from their friends and teachers. The needs, though, of the people of Cape Girardeau are very real. As is the need for God.
Who is going to take God to them? Who is going to serve those needs? Who's going to pray for those people?
That's what going the 2nd mile means. Cape Naz Church is committed to pray for (1st mile) and serve (2nd mile) our community. We're going to get our hands dirty. We're going to get our knees dirty. We're going to win back the people that God has given us from the enemies that have taken them hostage. We're going to help God redeem Cape Girardeau!
We're starting small. This week, we're forming a partnership with the SEMO Safe House for Women. It's a shelter that takes in victims of domestic abuse and their kids. Chatting with the director of the Safe House last week, she told me that she doesn't get many pastors or churches willing to help them. I wasn't terribly surprised.
Most pastors and churches are unwilling to look beyond the facades that their town constructs and see the real needs hidden all around them. For those pastors and their people, "going" is really "targeting" the people that look like them -- the already saved, clean, collected families with nice SUV's and big bank accounts.
Sorry if that you're a pastor or a church member and that offends you. But, if you are offended by it, you should ask yourself why. There's nothing wrong at all with reaching out to the people in your sphere of influence (the people that largely look and act like you) -- that's our primary strategy for relational evangelism. It's important. It's fundamental.
But so is compassionate ministry to the lost, the hurting, the fatherless, the widow, the orphan, the addict, the grieving, the depressed, the oppressed, the underprivileged, the abused, the victims living among you.
Will you go the 2nd mile to reach them? Will you pray for them. Will you serve them? As I told the director of the SEMO Safe House, "Cape Naz will!"
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Prayer and Outreach
Today, I'm exploring the connection between prayer and outreach (or "going" as I prefer to call it and will call it in this post).
First, let me give you some very simple definitions. What is prayer? Basically, it's communing with God. What is outreach, i.e. "going"? It is serving people. Those are drastic oversimplifications, but sufficient for our purposes today. (If you're the kind of person who can't stand simplicity like that, then feel free to expand on those definitions in the comments section below!)
Let me ask two other questions that get to the point of this post. Can you have prayer without "going"? Can you "go" without prayer? The answer to both questions are yes, respectively. Both prayer and outreach are good by themselves. But, by themselves, neither is best.
The idea of prayer without "going" immediately reminded me of the question that God asked Isaiah. "Whom should I send?" he asked the wannabe prophet. That was God's idea of a rhetorical question. The answer God desired was obvious. Isaiah was standing right there, available, and invested in the situation already. He was God's man for the job. Isaiah didn't just intercede on behalf of his people. He was sent to (i.e. "go") to God's people.
During our prayers, I can easily imagine God in heaven asking, rehtorically, "Whom should I send?" Like with Isaiah, I think the answer is fairly obvious. Me. You. Us. We took the time to pray, to stand in the gap for others. We're invested in the situation already. Here I am, Lord, send me!
On to the second question. What is "going" or outreach without prayer? What are we really doing when we go help someone, serve someone, feed someone, or teach someone, but we leave God out of it? There's value in that activity. But it's not Great Commission "going". It's volunteerism. It's charity, maybe. It's philanthropy. It's probably not ministry.
Going without praying reminds me of something Paul told his young protege Timothy: they have a form of godliness but deny its power. This passage doesn't speak directly to outreach ministry, but the warning Paul gives Timothy is applicable anyway. Godliness without God? Its oxymoronic. It's not real. It doesn't work. Service without the Spirit? It's not real. It doesn't work. It's positive, but it's not powerful.
The power of God comes when we choose to both pray and go. Prayer and outreach. Touching heaven while we touch the earth. It's a simple formula and one followed by most every Biblical example I can think of. It seems, though, that it's lost on many of us in the ministry. I know too many churches that pray but don't go. I know others that go but don't pray. I've been part of both and witnessed firsthand the lack of power in both siutations. Cape Naz won't be one of those churches.
You want a good example of this in action? Valparaiso Nazarene is a church that prays and a church that goes. And they've had a powerful impact on their community. Watch the video called Cecilia from the recent M11 conference in Louisville, KY. Just follow this link and click on the video called "Resurrection - Cecilia":
We'll be talking a great deal more about this topic on Sunday at Cape Naz. See you then!