Sunday, June 27, 2010

Where have you been and when will you be back?

I know that I've been short in posting lately. Summer and all that comes with it are hitting harder than I expected. It's been a great summer so far, filled with lots of swimming, a trip to the lake, long drives, camp, and more of the same to come!

It's fun having a kid who gets a summer break. Jacob has finished his first year of school (kindergarten, of course) and we're trying to make the most of his time off.

Anyway, as much as I would love to be writing and blogging during the summer, something has to give. Unfortunately, the blog is the thing that's going to have to take a summer break of its own.

So, don't expect anything at The Stomp Box until August, when I'll be back full force with more of the content that you're used to, plus some new elements. Check our website, for details on when the blog will return.

Enjoy your summer!
- Jason

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