Monday, September 13, 2010

Don't Be a Fool

Wisdom says: As it is, I’ve called, but you’ve turned a deaf ear; I’ve reached out to you, but you’ve ignored me.

This past weekend at Cape Naz Church we discussed among other things wisdom vs. knowledge. I briefly made the point that the opposite of wisdom is foolishness. A few definitions that will mark this brief discussion, and then to the point:

What is wisdom? Knowledge that you successfully put into action.

What is foolishness? Knowing the truth and how it should affect your life, and then ignoring it.

I don't think that anyone wants to be called a fool. It's a harsh term. Though it's not necessarily an active word in our modern vernacular, -- you don't hear the teenagers calling each other fools -- we would still be hurt if the term was used against us. I'm not going to call you a fool. Instead, I'm going to ask you to evaluate whether you are one or not.

The critical aspect of wisdom is the "successfully put into action" part of the definition. I've mentioned before that Christianity isn't a "do" religion. It's a "be" relationship. Be more like Christ. Be lovingly obedient to God. Be a follower of Jesus.

Our actions should flow out of our relationship with Christ. We've chosen to become like Christ and that affects our "do" -- our behavior. A behavior change without the relationship with Christ doesn't matter for beans. We aren't saved by good works. We're saved by grace through faith (a "be" concept).

That's where wisdom comes in. Do you consider yourself a Christian? Answer the question to yourself right now.

OK. If you answered yes, then you've committed to "be" like Christ.

Let me say that again. If you're a Christian, then you've committed to "be" like Christ. That's the implication of salvation. We've tried to dress it down over the years as little more than a prayer, but it's more than that. You are accepting Christ... that he is God, that he is truth, that his way will be your way, that without him you are sinful and separated.

A wise Christian daily grows in his/her knowledge of God and then puts that knowledge into practical application in their lives. They are "be-ing" Jesus.

What would a fool do? Ah... You can see where I am going.

A foolish person would know the truth about God and then deliberately ignore it.

I personally feel pretty foolish sometimes when I know I've done something that goes against God's word (his wisdom). There are many times when I just want to curl up in a box and hide because I've ignored a truth about God and the life he wants us to live. It hurts. It's painful. It's a bruise to my ego.

Becoming a person of spiritual wisdom takes time, practice and failure. If you start with that one commitment -- to be more like Christ -- then actively seek God to let him change who you are and what you do. That's the Christian life. It's going to have ups and downs, trials and tribulations, but God will constantly be speaking to you, building you up, pushing you farther in faith, and revealing his wisdom to you.

Become a person of wisdom. Don't be a fool.

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