Wednesday, August 31, 2011

MiniBlog 3 - The Result

Our assignment for this week in the Year of the Disciple was a follow up of the week before -- Read 1 Kings 17, 18, and 19.

If you haven't read it yet, then take some time right now and get to it.

When you do read it, you'll see the problem -- Ahab was leading the nation of Israel away from God. You'll also see one man, a prophet named Elijah, listen to God and act in response to God's anger over what Ahab was doing.

This ties in closely with what we're hoping to accomplish in our commitment to Listen + Act focus. God had a problem. His word went out. One man listened and he acted.

What did God do to bring people to him through Elijah's actions? What was the fruit of Elijah's commitment to listen and then act?

That's the power of acting on what God's saying! It starts with listening. It continues through action. It ends with God moving powerfully! Read the whole story of Elijah, 1 Kings 17-19 and see what God does to bring people to him.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

MiniBlog 2 - Elijah went...

As we talk about LISTEN + ACT there's some real significance to the second verse of 1 Kings 18.

After a long time, in the third year, the word of the LORD came to Elijah: “Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land.” 2 So Elijah went to present himself to Ahab.*

The key word is went. Elijah went. The word of the Lord came to Elijah. He was listening. God was speaking. And what happened next? Elijah acted on what he heard.

Statements like this show up all throughout scripture. They're significant only because it's a model for the way a disciple of Jesus should live. What's Jesus saying to you? What do you going to do about it?

I know that God is speaking. I know that he wants me to act. I hope that later in my life I can look back on it and say, "so I went..." What about you?

The Holy Bible: New International Version. 1996 (electronic ed.) (1 Ki 18:1–2). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Year of the Disciple - MiniBlogs

Mini blogs. That's my way of saying that I'm going to be writing short, to the point paragraphs on what we're learning this year through the Year of the Disciple.

Consider our assignment this week at Cape Naz: Read 1 Kings 18 and Romans 12. As I work through these myself, I'll be miniblogging about my experience in the text.

Remember our question: What is God teaching you and what are you going to do about it? Engage the word and find out!

1 Kings 18:1
1 After a long time, in the third year, the word of the Lord came to Elijah: "Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land."

This verse kicks off an amazing series of events. It starts with two important facts: God was speaking. Elijah was listening. It led to action. Action led to miracle. Miracle led to life-change.

That's the power of our question. Listening + acting = discipleship.